“If you’re not with me… you’re my enemy.”
“Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”
I see a whole bunch of people reacting to Viceroy Trump’s attempt to label “Antifa” a terrorist organization, despite the fact that it technically doesn’t exist. And I see a whole lot of these people posting on their Facebook walls saying “I am anti-fascist.”
So let me get something straight.
I am NOT anti-fascist.
I am anti-collectivist.
I am pro-liberty, pro-individualism and pro-thinking for yourself.
And that means, IN ADDITION TO being anti-fascist, I am also anti-communist. Among other things, this means I am against people who rationalize the crimes of Castro’s Cuba by saying the Castros “gave people free education and healthcare”, which is on par with the old Right saying “at least Mussolini made the trains run on time.”
Not all anti-fascists are the same. STALIN was anti-fascist. I am also anti-Stalinist. And because I am anti-collectivist, I am ALSO anti-racist and anti-fascist. Specifically, I am against anybody who acts like National Socialism or the Confederacy were good for anybody, including their ostensible support base.
That means I am against any “conservatives”, “libertarians” or “freedom lovers” who talk a good game about protecting the Second Amendment to make sure citizens can defend against a tyrannical government but when they see REAL people getting shot by THIS government, they go, “Yay! Finally, Law and Order!”
It means I am against any white boys, leftist or white nationalist, who turn peaceful protests into excuses for violence, because more than fascism or communism they hate “normie” government and just want an excuse to hurt people.
It means I am against the Republican Party, a pagan cult of the state that used to be the Party of Lincoln, which worships a gold-plated calf because they know the rest of the country is against them, and the only way they can maintain their power is through force and fraud.
It means I am against cultists who worship an “anti-communist” who praised President Xi on January 24 for containing the coronavirus in China, and who previously came out of a closed-door meeting with Vladimir Putin slumped over and walking funny.
And it means that I am against any attempt to brand “Antifa” as some kind of Enemy of the State, because if the leftists are correct and the Trump Organization’s declaring war on anti-fascism means that they have implicitly identified with fascism, that is quite likely what they are counting on, because apparently all you need to do is change people’s programming is to change the labels they use, to define censorship as “free speech,” violence as “peacekeeping”, the Electoral College as “democracy” and Trump as “your president.” And because the Right is that much more reductionist and simple-minded than the Left.
Basically, I am against any bullshit attempt to use labels to foist a package deal of ideas that are anti-liberty, anti-individual, and anti-thinking for yourself.