Time for lust, time for lie
Time to kiss your life goodbye
Send me money, send me green, heaven you will meet
Make the contribution and you’ll get the better seat
Bow to Leper Messiah
-Metallica, Leper Messiah
Before the first presidential debate of 2020, two days before Viceroy Donald Trump was announced as having coronavirus, it was clear that his “Republican” Party in the Senate was going to ignore all protocols to push his Supreme Court nominee through, specifically to make sure they wouldn’t have to rely on John Roberts and an eight-justice Court in a political strategy that relies less on votes and more on fixing the judicial system to bypass republican voting.
And now, as we have less than four weeks to go before the next election, it is that much more obvious that Trump and his Banana Republican Party would rather cling to power than life itself.
Of course, there was that now famous moment where Trump left Walter Reed hospital and walked up the stairs to stand at the White House portico to take off his mask, which more than one liberal journalist compared to a Mussolini moment. Presumably that would be where Mussolini walked to a balcony to pose dramatically in front of Roman columns, not the moment where he and his mistress tried to escape from Italy, were captured by leftist partisans, and had their bodies hung up by their heels in an abandoned gas station so everyone in that pissed-off country who could reach the scene could spit on his corpse.
As information surrounding Trump’s activities over the past two weeks haphazardly leaked out, and is confirmed at least in the sense that no one in the Trump Organization will deny it, Trump appeared late for his debate with Joe Biden so that unfortunately he could not be independently tested on site. Members of the entourage, including Melania Trump, who has also tested positive for coronavirus, were the only people in the debate audience who refused to wear masks, against protocols. Perhaps because Trump refused then to tell anyone what he and his people knew about his status, thus raising a very real possibility that he went into debate night intending to expose Joe Biden to coronavirus, The Committee on Presidential Debates announced this week that the debate scheduled for next week would be virtual, which was probably for the best anyway because it had already been planned as a town-hall format where the candidates would take audience questions. This of course offended Trump because the video formatting would indeed allow, perhaps require, moderators to cut the mic of the non-active speaker. Not only that, he wouldn’t be able to appear to the crowd in person so that he and his entourage could flout the mask and testing rules and demonstrate yet again that they don’t apply to them. So, predictably, he refused to attend, and predictably the Committee has officially cancelled the debate.
So now that he’s been saved by the most advanced medicine government can provide, he’s making more speeches from a government podium, promising to have more one-party control over the government, promising to give government more control of the economy and health care, promising prosecutions of his enemies, and promising more celebrations of his power and benevolence. Why? To stop America from becoming a socialist nation, of course!
The real problem of course is that Trump’s stupidity has always been more contagious than any virus, and now all of his courtiers feel obliged to follow his example. South Carolina Senator and White House Purse Dog Lindsay Graham for example decided to cancel his second debate with Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison because Harrison insisted that Graham be tested for the virus. I mean, it’s not as though people who hang out on a close basis with the president have been demonstrated as more likely to contract the disease.
Meanwhile as Republicans discuss the election as though it were still a future hypothetical that they don’t have to address in the here and now (much like the possibility that their president’s continual flouting of medical safety could cause him to get COVID-19), people are having early voting and mail-in voting, and it looks like most of the people voting early are Democrats:
“While Democrats fret about the possibility of Mr. Trump repeating his 2016 Election Day turnout that swamped Hillary Clinton’s early-voting lead, Democrats’ early-voting advantage this year, particularly in states like Florida, is worrying top Republicans. While many Republicans expected turnout before Election Day to be slightly depressed by the president’s criticism of mail voting, the gap means that Republicans have to flood the polls on Election Day. And a lack of absentee ballots returned could leave the G.O.P. blind as it adjusts its get-out-the-vote operation in the weeks ahead.
“One of the advantages of having absentee ballots or voting by mail is it gives you a little bit of a snapshot as they are returned, and finding out who is returning them and where you are in your field operation,” said Matt Gorman, a Republican strategist. “If Republicans aren’t getting accurate reads on that, they’re not getting accurate reads on where they need to adjust more.”
Republicans used to take more advantage of the mail-in ballot option. But then, Republicans used to acknowledge science and didn’t think that they should avoid medical safety devices just because their tribal chieftain told them they were full of evil spirits.
This actually matters because to hear observers say it, Team Trump has been betting on an electoral phenomenon called ‘blue shift’ where vote-by-mail and absentee ballots that tend to go Democratic are counted after votes on Election Day and therefore early returns that seem to favor Republicans eventually shift to the other party. However, more states are allowing not just mail-in ballots but early voting where you actually get to vote in person, and thus you don’t have all those votes crammed together to be processed in one day. The early votes would be just as ‘good’ for that purpose as ones in November. This change has happened in some states to account for coronavirus, but other states (like Nevada) have already been doing early voting for years. Republicans, however, don’t seem to have gotten the memo, and are still anticipating in-person November voting as having the same impact as it did before early voting started becoming a thing. That’s why when Democrats are telling people to vote as though their lives depended on it (whether by mail or in-person) Republicans are telling their people to vote in person (and risk Trump Virus) as though their lives don’t matter. The problem is even if Trump has enough cultists that survive another four weeks to go to the polls, they have to show up in sufficient numbers that it would clog the system. We know this because, thanks TO Republican state governments making it more difficult to vote in primaries and special elections, lines for those contests earlier this year have been backed up. This creates the real possibility that the ‘blue shift’ may reverse and more votes will come in for Joe Biden in most states before the Trump votes can all be counted. And since Trump is pinning all his hopes on saying that only Election Day votes count and if he gets more of those, he would be forever Your King, Lord and God, if it turns out that Democrats have more votes on Election Day, whining for more time would make him look that much less omnipotent and that much more like a tool.
Of course as far as the Party of Trump is concerned, even stupid shit like votes don’t really matter, cause if Biden actually wins the Electoral College fair and square, Trump and his cronies in Republican legislatures can just whip up their own slate of Electors for their dominus et deus, the actual vote be damned. And if that maneuver goes to the Supreme Court, guess who just got himself a 6-judge majority?
But this is a tactic that implies weakness, not strength. I’ve mentioned for a while now that pretty soon white people are going to learn what it feels like to be black people, that is, to be disenfranchised. Republicans not only don’t want non-white and poor people with no transportation to polling places to vote, they don’t want anyone else to vote either, which is why they’re herding their own people into a situation where they have to risk coronavirus to do so. Forget ‘it’s a republic, not a democracy’ – the whole principle of a republic is that voters pick representatives, and if the government isn’t letting us do that, it’s NOT a republic anymore.
Secondly, if things get to that point, it will be because the Trumpniks no longer have enough numbers to even win the Electoral College by the skin of their teeth the way they did last time. Not only that, any result where Biden won the Electoral College would probably not be a 2000 election where only one state made the difference. It would be enough of a blowout where the Banana Republicans would have to substitute Electors in several states and thus create several challenges. Furthermore, any result where that happened would probably mean that Democrats also ended up winning the Senate, because however much liberals hate that institution, modern Senate races are statewide contests that are subject to neither district gerrymandering nor the Electoral College.
In other words, even if Republicans took this all the way to the House of Representatives (where they have enough delegations to give the election to Trump), the efforts required to do so, while technically legal, would be that much more cheap and desperate than Trump at a Jeffrey Epstein party. People only put up with the results last time because we knew that the Electoral College was a thing, and we had known it since at least 2000 (even if Democrats chose to forget) and however stupid and awful George W. Bush was, he didn’t actually destroy the country. This time? Not quite. This time it’s getting increasingly clear that the only way Viceroy for Russian North America Donald Trump can be retained as nominal President of this country is if the complicit Republican Party games the system to their benefit. And since it is becoming increasingly clear that the system under their control benefits nobody else, including the Republicans’ favorite interest groups, keeping it in place raises the very real chance that the public is a whole will no longer treat it as legitimate. And at that point Republicans will finally realize that they can’t play “we can do anything we want and nobody can stop us, cause we’re the biggest gang” cause they’re not the biggest gang.
This is why modern people, who don’t find “only one person wins” to be very entertaining, don’t play much MONOPOLY anymore. After four hours of dragging towards a result that everyone can see coming yet has already taken too long to arrive, somebody (maybe even the player in the lead) flips the board over in frustration and everybody else goes, “Next time, why don’t we try Dungeons & Dragons or Cards Against Humanity?”