Meanwhile, Back in Reality

Leading a race does not mean you will win it.

– African proverb

Hey, so what did you think of the Democratic National Convention this year? When they had a DJ? When they had Stevie Wonder? When people were singing, and happy, and it almost felt like a concert every night? Did you see how Tim Walz’ son was crying because he was so proud to see his Dad become the Vice Presidential nominee, and his Dad gave that love right back? Did you see how Kamala Harris surprised everyone by actually giving a great speech? Did you see how fired up everyone was? Did you see all those Lamestream Media people using words like “happiness” and “joy”? JOY?

Nauseating as fuck, wasn’t it?

What you need is to get grounded back in the reality of the last eight years of the Trump Era, in which you grind out day after day in a paycheck-to-paycheck job expecting the government to engineer some giant catastrophe (or stumble into one by sheer accident) while the Boss and his cronies continue to grift off the taxpayer and dodge prosecution, and you go to bed at night waiting for a sadistic God to grant you the sweet mercy of Death.

So let’s see what’s been happening in Trumpworld since Harris and Walz teamed up.

First, the big earth-shattering, game changing news: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorsed Trump. AND so did Tulsi Gabbard. Yeah, he should start picking out the drapes right now. These are the two people whose whole cultural role is being the people in traditional Democrat demographics who were never going to vote for Democrats anyway, and those people were never going to vote for Kennedy as an “independent” if it meant that Biden (now Harris) wins their state.

There was this one opinion column, I think it was from USA Today, but I can’t find it, where the guy talked about how the Kennedy family has gotten involved in all kinds of drug abuse and adultery scandals, but they act like Robert is a disgrace to the family, just cause he endorsed Trump?

Well, YEAH, guy. That’s just it. Do you know what it takes to embarrass the Kennedys?

I’m sure they wouldn’t appreciate a Kennedy endorsing any Republican, but there’s a qualitative difference between endorsing (say) someone in the Bush family and Trump. There are some Trumpniks who want to declare that the endorsement of RFK (and Gabbard) indicates that the Greedy Old Puritans are still a “big tent” party because they have the support of these very nominal Democrats, but in this case big tent just means tolerance to any crackpot theory or mental dysfunction, not just the ones Trump likes.

Kerry Kennedy, RFK’s sister, had said months before the open alignment to Trump, “I strongly condemn my brother’s deplorable and untruthful remarks last week about Covid being engineered for ethnic targeting,” Kerry Kennedy said at the time. “His statements do not represent what I believe or what Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights stand for, with our 50+-year track record of protecting rights and standing against racism and all forms of discrimination.” And then there’s the fact that RFK Jr. is just totally what-the-fuck even by modern Republican standards. In addition to his own drug abuse, diagnosed mental and physical problems and multiple admitted abuses of dead wild animals, the news recently requoted RFK’s own daughter going over another story of how her Dad used a chainsaw to sever the head of a beached whale when they were at Hyannis Port, then strapped the head to the family vehicle for the five-hour drive home, saying “every time we accelerated on the highway, whale juice would pour into the windows of the car” and that they “had plastic bags over our heads with mouth holes cut out, and people on the highway were giving us the finger, but that was just normal day-to-day stuff for us.”
But as Bill Maher said Friday, maybe RFK just has this weird attachment to decaying and bloated corpses. Which would also explain the endorsement of Trump.

And then there’s the big issue with the veteran community.

Trump, who is such a Macho Man that “Macho Man” is actually part of his campaign theme music (along with ‘YMCA’) apparently didn’t realize that saying the Congressional Medal of Honor isn’t as good as the Presidential Medal of Freedom “because everyone gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, [but] soldiers ‒ they’re either in very bad shape, because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead” was not a good move for his reputation as a Real American Hero.

So Monday August 26, with the invitation (or pretext) by a family of the deceased, Trump and said family posed at the graves of servicemembers who died guarding the Kabul airport during America’s final evacuation of forces in 2021. Smiling with his shit-eating grin and his thumb up, the way he says “Happy Good Friday!” to commemorate the myth of Jesus dying in agony and harrowing Hades.

The reason this was a big deal is because apparently it’s against the law. The Army said in a statement, “Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign.” The other issue being that when a cemetery official pointed this out, Trump’s “staff” decided to have an altercation. But Arlington National Cemetery also stated: “An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside […] the employee subsequently decided not to press charges. Therefore, the Army considers this matter closed.” So Trump got away with it.

Because of course he did. The Boss always wins. The Boss always gets his way. Laws don’t apply to the Boss. And if you got a problem with dat, we’re gonna make it real ugly for ya. Ya don’t want it to get ugly, DO ya, America?

Then there was the third issue this week, where Special Counsel Jack Smith had the Department of Justice reintroduce charges against Donald Trump regarding the January 6 insurrection with a superseding indictment.

Because as we know, the last decision of the Supreme Court’s last term was Trump vs. United States, in which the United States lost. In said decision, Chief Justice John Roberts unilaterally declared that the president can commit any crime he wants as long as he calls it an “official act.” It still raises the question of whether this applies to parts of Trump’s New York fraud coverup that he committed after getting elected, or whether it applies to Trump’s pressure campaign on a different official (Vice President Mike Pence) to throw the election result to him. And that’s because Trump, like Dobbs vs. Mississippi, was made up with no regard to precedent, let alone consequences, and like Dobbs is a piece of shit ruling that’s not worth the toilet paper it was wiped on, and ought to be overridden just like the Dred Scott ruling.

But this being the standard for now, Jack Smith rephrased his case to an untainted grand jury, this time changing various terms so as to refer to Donald Trump as an individual, rather than as the president, and referring to his January 6 speech to the mob as a campaign event – which you can seriously argue that it was, given that the whole point was that Trump was not conceding the election.

It is of course certain that if this case gets anywhere in the next few months and goes against Trump, his lawyers are once again going to climb the ladder to get Trump’s pet judges to save their boss from himself. They probably could, cause they’ve gone this far, but then again they’ve pushed their luck so far that President Biden actually started pushing Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, and Roberts probably doesn’t need to give Democrats any more ammunition, especially if Democrats win. And maybe Roberts ought to consider that he shouldn’t have decided that Presidents can do anything they want if right now Biden is President and Harris is in charge of certifying the Electoral result, and they are in charge of Washington DC security and can do all of that stuff that Trump wanted to do to stop a loss. Unless Roberts wants to step in and say “Wait, I meant only OUR guy can do that”, but that would give the game away, wouldn’t it?

I saw some self-described “libertarians” bitching on Facebook that Smith’s move is another case of the mean ol’ Democrats trying to eliminate any competition – although in other cases, this is a very real problem.

My reaction is: Grow up. Thanks to Trump’s various enablers, up to and including the Supreme Court, Smith’s case is never going to be decided in court before this election. If I were you, I’d be more worried about the sentencing in the already decided New York fraud case, which itself has been unnecessarily delayed. And even if your hero does get a prison term there, he can always appeal, and even if he went to prison, there is nothing stopping him from continuing to run for office. And if Trump wins his election, he can make Smith’s case go away permanently, and probably make Smith go away permanently too.

Because we should not forget the real reason Our Lord and Savior is making us all suffer for his sins:


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